viernes, 30 de junio de 2017


Greetings fellow blog readers, long time no see!

We're back with a new topic this time, we'll talk about some curiosities that platypus have.

Those animals are very interesting because not only they are mammals, but also they lay eggs.
Resultado de imagen para body of a platypusThey're a native specimen from Australia, and a recognisable and iconic symbol for them.
There's also their physical characteristics, something that isn't really well known by the public, firstly, the shape of its body, they have a bill, shaped like a duck with two small holes. Secondly, its fur is like the fur of an otter. And lastly, its tail is flat, similar to a beaver's tail.

Females platypus use their tail to hold incubating eggs against their warm body.
These animals not only lost the physical feature of a stomach, but also the genes required to produce one over the time.
Resultado de imagen para beaver

Resultado de imagen para duck